home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "o.h"
- /*
- ** Local Prototypes
- */
- char *reg_format( int, char *, char *, char *, char * );
- int check_getc( dword * );
- int check_getw( dword * );
- int check_getl( dword * );
- int check_getv( dword *, int );
- int get_checkc( dword * );
- void instr_opcode( char * );
- void instr_operand( char * );
- int check_forward( INST_T [], int );
- int mod0( int, int, char *, char *, uchar, int, int * );
- int mod1( int, int, char *, char *, uchar );
- int mod2( int, int, char *, char *, uchar, int, int * );
- int mod3( int, char *, uchar, int, int * );
- int do_sib( char *, uchar * );
- int do_mod_rm( char *, uchar, uchar, int, int, int );
- int byte_immed( char *, int, int );
- int word_immed( char *, int );
- char *regs[4][8] = {
- "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh",
- "ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp" , "si", "di",
- "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi",
- "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??"
- };
- char *sregs [] = { "es" , "cs" , "ss" , "ds" , "fs" , "gs" };
- char *sregsc[] = { "es:", "cs:", "ss:", "ds:", "fs:", "gs:" };
- char *cr_regs[] = { "cr0", "", "cr2", "cr3", "", "", "", "" };
- char *dr_regs[] = { "dr0", "dr1", "dr2", "dr3", "", "", "dr6", "dr7" };
- char *tr_regs[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "tr6", "tr7" };
- char *addr_mode[] = { "[bx+si", "[bx+di", "[bp+si", "[bp+di",
- "[si", "[di", "[bp", "[bx" };
- char *addr_386m[] = { "[eax", "[ecx", "[edx", "[ebx",
- "[esp", "[ebp", "[esi", "[edi" };
- char *sib_scale[] = { "", "*2", "*4", "*8" };
- char *op_grp[10][8] = {
- "add", "or", "adc", "sbb", "and", "sub", "xor", "cmp",
- "rol", "ror", "rcl", "rcr", "shl", "shr", "", "sar",
- "test", "", "not", "neg", "mul", "imul", "div", "idiv",
- "inc", "dec", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "inc", "dec", "call", "call", "jmp", "jmp", "push", "",
- "sldt", "str", "lldt", "ltr", "verr", "verw", "", "",
- "sgdt", "sidt", "lgdt", "lidt", "smsw", "", "lmsw", "",
- "", "", "", "", "bt", "bts", "btr", "btc",
- "pop", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "mov", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
- };
- char *sz_text[] = { "byte ptr ", "word ptr ", "dword ptr ",
- "qword ptr ", "tbyte ptr " };
- char *dir_fmt[] = {
- "%s,%s", /* 0 = mem,reg */
- "%s,%s", /* 1 = reg,mem */
- "%s", /* 2 = mem */
- "%s,%s,%s", /* 3 = reg,mem,third */
- "%s,%s,%s" /* 4 = mem,reg,third */
- };
- typedef struct modrm_s MODRM_CLASS;
- struct modrm_s {
- int dir;
- int size;
- int method;
- int group;
- int size_needed;
- int type;
- };
- /*
- ** These mod r/m classes are not in any particular order, but the
- ** instruction table indexes these entries with it's mod_rm_type field.
- */
- MODRM_CLASS modrm_class[] = {
- 0, 0, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 0 Math instructions (byte) M,reg */
- 0, 1, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 1 Math instructions (word) M,reg (and ARPL) */
- 1, 0, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 2 Math instructions (byte) reg,M */
- 1, 1, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 3 Math instructions (word) reg,M */
- 0, 0, 5, 1, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 4 Group 1 (math) byte */
- 0, 1, 6, 1, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 5 Group 1 (math) word */
- 0, 1, 7, 1, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 6 Group 1 (math) signed byte */
- 0, 1, 2, 0, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 7 Segment register unloading */
- 1, 1, 2, 0, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 8 Segment register loading */
- 1, 1, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 9 LEA instruction */
- 2, 1, 0, 9, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 10 POP mod 0 r/m instruction */
- 0, 0, 5, 2, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 11 Group 2 (rotates) byte */
- 0, 1, 5, 2, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 12 Group 2 (rotates) word */
- 0, 0, 3, 2, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 13 Group 2 (rotates) byte by 1 */
- 0, 1, 3, 2, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 14 Group 2 (rotates) word by 1 */
- 0, 0, 4, 2, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 15 Group 2 (rotates) byte by CL */
- 0, 1, 4, 2, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 16 Group 2 (rotates) word by CL */
- 1, 2, 1, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 17 LES,LDS,BOUND,LSS,LFS,LGS */
- 0, 0, 5, 10, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 18 Move immediate (byte) */
- 0, 1, 6, 10, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 19 Move immediate (word) */
- 2, 0, 0, 3, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 20 Group 3 (special) byte */
- 2, 1, 0, 3, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 21 Group 3 (special) word */
- 2, 0, 0, 4, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 22 Group 4 (inc/dec) byte */
- 2, 1, 0, 5, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 23 Group 5 (special) word/dword */
- 3, 1, 8, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 24 IMUL (3 parms [reg,mem,immed word]) */
- 3, 1, 9, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 25 IMUL (3 parms [reg,mem,immed signed byte]) */
- 2, 1, 0, 6, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 26 Group 6 (special 286/386 instructions) */
- 2, 3, 0, 7, TRUE, FWORD_PTR, /* 27 Group 7 (special 286/386 instructions) */
- 1, 1, 1, 0, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 28 LAR,LSL reg,M (word) */
- 0, 0, 5, 8, TRUE, BYTE_PTR, /* 29 Group 8 (386-bit) byte */
- 2, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, BYTE_PTR, /* 30 386 Set cc Instructions */
- 0, 2, 10, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 31 386 Mov r32,crX */
- 1, 2, 10, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 32 386 Mov crX,r32 */
- 0, 2, 11, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 33 386 Mov r32,drX */
- 1, 2, 11, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 34 386 Mov drX,r32 */
- 0, 2, 12, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 35 386 Mov r32,trX */
- 1, 2, 12, 0, FALSE, UNKNOWN, /* 36 386 Mov trX,r32 */
- 1, 1, 1, 0, TRUE, BYTE_PTR, /* 37 386 Movsx, Movzx */
- 1, 1, 1, 0, TRUE, WORD_PTR, /* 38 386 Movsx, Movzx */
- 4, 1, 9, 0, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 39 386 Shld,Shrd mem/reg,reg,imm byte */
- 4, 1, 13, 0, TRUE, UNKNOWN, /* 40 386 Shld,Shrd mem/reg,reg,cl */
- };
- extern int pub_compare();
- extern int ext_compare();
- int over_seg = -1; /* -1 = No overiding segment yet */
- static int over_opsize = FALSE; /* FALSE = No overiding operand size yet */
- static int over_adrsize = FALSE; /* FALSE = No overiding address size yet */
- static int size_large = FALSE; /* Within a WORD address size */
- static int addr_large = FALSE; /* Special Addressing Modes */
- static int size_bytes = 2; /* Default WORD size */
- static int addr_bytes = 2; /* Default WORD size */
- static char fp_opcode[8] = {0}; /* 7 + \0 */
- static char fp_wait = FALSE; /* No preceeding "wait" */
- void inst_init()
- {
- over_seg = -1; /* Setup for the next instruction */
- over_opsize = FALSE;
- over_adrsize = FALSE;
- if ( segment_mode == 386 ) {
- size_large = TRUE;
- addr_large = TRUE;
- } else {
- size_large = FALSE;
- addr_large = FALSE;
- }
- size_bytes = segment_bytes;
- addr_bytes = segment_bytes;
- }
- char *reg_format( reg, output_string, base_text, base_fmt, extra_fmt )
- int reg;
- char *output_string;
- char *base_text;
- char *base_fmt;
- char *extra_fmt;
- {
- if ( reg == NREG ) {
- sprintf( output_string, base_fmt, base_text );
- } else {
- if ( reg < 9 ) { /* Byte sized half register */
- sprintf( output_string, extra_fmt, base_text, regs[0][reg-1] );
- } else {
- if ( reg < 17 ) { /* Word/DWord sized general register */
- if ( size_large ) {
- sprintf( output_string, extra_fmt, base_text,
- regs[2][reg-9] );
- } else {
- sprintf( output_string, extra_fmt, base_text,
- regs[1][reg-9] );
- }
- } else {
- sprintf( output_string, extra_fmt, base_text, sregs[reg-17] );
- }
- }
- }
- return( output_string );
- }
- int check_getc( result )
- dword *result;
- {
- int ch;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- } else {
- *result = (dword)ch;
- return( FALSE );
- }
- }
- int check_getw( result )
- dword *result;
- {
- int ch;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result = ch;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result += ch << 8;
- return( FALSE );
- }
- int check_getl( result )
- dword *result;
- {
- int ch;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result = (dword)((uchar)ch);
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result += (dword)((uchar)ch) << 8;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result += (dword)((uchar)ch) << 16;
- ch = buff_getc();
- if ( ch == EOF ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- *result += (dword)((uchar)ch) << 24;
- return( FALSE );
- }
- int check_getv( value, flag )
- dword *value;
- int flag;
- {
- int result;
- if ( flag ) {
- result = check_getl( value );
- } else {
- result = check_getw( value );
- }
- return( result );
- }
- int get_checkc( offset )
- dword *offset;
- {
- int dcheck;
- dcheck = data_check( 1 );
- if ( dcheck != NORMAL && dcheck != BAD ) {
- return( TRUE ); /* Must be no labels or fixups */
- }
- return( check_getc( offset ) );
- }
- void instr_opcode( text )
- char *text;
- {
- if ( pass == 3 ) {
- out_opcode( text );
- }
- tab_offset = 0;
- inst_init(); /* Reset for next instruction */
- }
- void instr_operand( text )
- char *text;
- {
- if ( pass == 3 ) {
- out_operand( text );
- }
- }
- int stub( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- text = text; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return( 0 );
- }
- int in_out( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int dir;
- int size;
- char temp[50];
- dir = ( byte & 0x02 ) >> 1;
- size = ( byte & 0x01 );
- if ( size == 1 && size_large ) {
- size = 2;
- }
- instr_opcode(text);
- if ( dir == 0 ) {
- sprintf( temp, "%s,dx", regs[size][0] );
- } else {
- sprintf( temp, "dx,%s", regs[size][0] );
- }
- instr_operand(temp);
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return(1);
- }
- int string_byte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- char opcode[10];
- char operand[50];
- int size;
- int mode;
- char *format;
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- size = byte & 0x01;
- if ( size == 1 && size_large ) {
- size = 2;
- }
- switch( byte ) {
- case 0xA4:
- case 0xA5:
- format = "%ses:[di],%s%s[si]";
- mode = 0;
- break;
- case 0xA6:
- case 0xA7:
- format = "%ses:[di],%s%s[si]";
- mode = 0;
- break;
- case 0xAA:
- case 0xAB:
- mode = 2;
- break;
- case 0xAC:
- case 0xAD:
- format = "%s%s[si]";
- mode = 1;
- break;
- case 0xAE:
- case 0xAF:
- mode = 2;
- break;
- }
- strcpy( opcode, text );
- if ( over_seg == -1 ) {
- switch( size ) {
- case 0: strcat(opcode,"b"); break;
- case 1: strcat(opcode,"w"); break;
- case 2: strcat(opcode,"d"); break;
- }
- instr_opcode(opcode);
- return(1);
- } else {
- switch( mode ) {
- case 0:
- sprintf( operand, format, sz_text[size],
- sz_text[size], sregsc[over_seg] );
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf( operand, format, sz_text[size], sregsc[over_seg] );
- break;
- case 2: /* No segment overide on */
- return( 0 ); /* SCAS instructions */
- }
- instr_opcode( opcode );
- instr_operand( operand );
- return(1);
- }
- }
- int one_byte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- char line[50];
- if ( strlen(text) == 0 ) {
- return(0);
- }
- reg_format( class, line, text, "%s", "%s\t%s" );
- instr_opcode(line);
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return(1);
- }
- int two_byte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- char line[50];
- char temp[50];
- if ( get_checkc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- reg_format( class, line, text, "%s\t", "%s\t%s," );
- out_hexize( offset, temp, 1 ); /* Convert 1 byte into hex */
- strcat( line, temp );
- instr_opcode( line );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused varaible warnings */
- return(2);
- }
- int two_ubyte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- char line[50];
- if ( get_checkc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( offset <= 127L ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s+0%02lXh", text, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s-0%02lXh", text, 0x0100L - offset );
- }
- instr_opcode( line );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return(2);
- }
- int three_byte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- int dummy;
- int data_size;
- int size_tmp;
- char line[50];
- char temp[50];
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* No segment overide allowed */
- return( 0 );
- }
- reg_format( class, line, text, "%s\t", "%s\t%s," );
- size_tmp = size_large;
- if ( byte == 0xC2 || byte == 0xCA ) { /* <RET jjkk>/<RETF jjkk> */
- size_tmp = FALSE;
- size_bytes = 2;
- }
- data_size = size_bytes;
- switch( data_check( 1 ) ) {
- case BAD: return( 0 );
- case LABEL: return( 0 );
- case FIXUP: if ( fix_rec->word_sized
- && fix_rec->extended == size_tmp ) {
- get_fix( temp, 2, TRUE, size_bytes,
- NEAR, FALSE, &dummy, DS );
- strcat( line, temp );
- adjust_assumes();
- instr_opcode( line );
- return( data_size+1 );
- } else {
- return( 0 );
- }
- case NORMAL: if ( check_getv( &offset, size_tmp ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- out_hexize( offset, temp, size_bytes );
- strcat( line, temp );
- instr_opcode(line);
- return( data_size+1 );
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int five_byte( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- dword segment;
- int size_known;
- char line[50];
- char temp[50];
- int data_size;
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* No segment overide allowed */
- return(0);
- }
- data_size = size_bytes;
- switch( data_check( 1 ) ) {
- case BAD:
- return( 0 );
- case LABEL:
- return( 0 );
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->form != POINTER || fix_rec->extended != size_large ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- get_fix( temp, 1, FALSE, size_bytes, NEAR, TRUE, &size_known, CS );
- sprintf( line, "far ptr %s", temp );
- break;
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, size_large ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( data_check(3) != NORMAL ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( check_getw( &segment ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- out_hexize( segment, temp, 2 ); /* Convert 2 byte into hex */
- strcpy( line, temp );
- strcat( line, ":" );
- out_hexize( offset, temp, size_bytes ); /* Convert 2/4 bytes into hex */
- strcat( line, temp );
- break;
- }
- adjust_assumes();
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( line );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return( 3 + data_size );
- }
- int one_a( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- char line[50];
- if ( size_large ) {
- reg_format( class, line, text, "%s\teax", "%s\teax,%s" );
- } else {
- reg_format( class, line, text, "%s\tax", "%s\tax,%s" );
- }
- instr_opcode(line);
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused varaible warnings */
- return(1);
- }
- int two_a( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int size;
- dword offset;
- char line[50];
- size = (byte & 0x01);
- if ( check_getc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( size == 0 ) {
- sprintf( line, "0%02lXh,al", offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "0%02lXh,ax", offset );
- }
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand(line);
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return(2);
- }
- int three_a( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int dir;
- int reg_size;
- int data_size;
- int type;
- int size_known;
- dword offset;
- char line[50];
- char seg_text[10];
- char temp[50];
- char temp2[15];
- int ref_seg;
- data_size = addr_bytes;
- dir = ( byte & 0x02 ) >> 1;
- reg_size = ( byte & 0x01 );
- if ( reg_size == 1 && size_large ) {
- reg_size = 2;
- }
- type = reg_size_to_type(reg_size);
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* Any previous segment overide? */
- ref_seg = 17+over_seg;
- strcpy( seg_text, sregsc[over_seg] );
- } else {
- ref_seg = DS;
- seg_text[0] = '\0';
- }
- switch( data_check( 1 ) ) {
- case BAD:
- return( 0 );
- case LABEL:
- return( 0 );
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->word_sized && fix_rec->extended == addr_large ) {
- get_fix( temp, 0, FALSE, size_bytes, type, TRUE,
- &size_known, ref_seg );
- } else {
- return( 0 );
- }
- strcpy( line, "" );
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- strcat( line, seg_text );
- strcat( line, " " );
- if ( !size_known ) {
- strcat( line, type_to_text(type) );
- }
- } else {
- if ( !size_known ) {
- strcat( line, type_to_text(type) );
- }
- strcat( line, seg_text );
- }
- strcat( line, temp );
- break;
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, addr_large ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- out_hexize( offset, temp2, addr_bytes ); /* Make hex digits */
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s .%s", seg_text, temp2 );
- } else {
- if ( over_seg == -1 ) {
- sprintf( line, "ds:[%s]", temp2 );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s[%s]", seg_text, temp2 );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( dir == 0 ) {
- sprintf( temp, "%s,%s", regs[reg_size][0], line );
- } else {
- sprintf( temp, "%s,%s", line, regs[reg_size][0] );
- }
- adjust_assumes();
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( temp );
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return( 1 + data_size );
- }
- int enter( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword num_bytes;
- dword nest_level;
- char line[50];
- switch( data_check(1) ) {
- case BAD:
- case LABEL:
- case FIXUP:
- return( 0 );
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getw(&num_bytes) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( check_getc(&nest_level) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- sprintf( line, "0%04lXh,0%02lXh", num_bytes, nest_level );
- break;
- }
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( line );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- return(4);
- }
- int check_forward( inst_table, method )
- INST_T inst_table[];
- int method;
- {
- dword byte;
- int data;
- int valid;
- extern char *buff_cur;
- char *buff_save;
- buff_save = buff_cur;
- /*
- ** The next byte must be a valid instruction
- */
- if ( get_checkc( &byte ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- data = (uchar)byte;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Checking forward with byte [%02X]\n", data );
- #endif
- inst_offset += 1;
- if ( method == 0 && pass == 3 ) {
- pass = 2; /* Temporarily disable output */
- valid = (*inst_table[data].rtn)
- ((uchar)data,
- inst_table[data].text,
- inst_table[data].special );
- pass = 3;
- } else {
- valid = (*inst_table[data].rtn)
- ((uchar)data,
- inst_table[data].text,
- inst_table[data].special );
- }
- inst_offset -= 1;
- if ( method == 0 || valid == 0 ) {
- buff_cur = buff_save;
- }
- return( valid );
- }
- int seg_over( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int valid;
- int save_seg;
- text = text; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- save_seg = over_seg;
- if ( byte >= 0x64 ) {
- over_seg = 4 + byte - 0x64;
- } else {
- over_seg = (byte & 0x18) >> 3;
- }
- valid = check_forward( instr, 1 );
- if ( valid ) {
- return( valid+1 );
- } else {
- over_seg = save_seg;
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- int opsize_over( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int valid;
- int save_large;
- int save_bytes;
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- text = text; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- save_large = size_large;
- save_bytes = size_bytes;
- size_large = !size_large; /* Toggle size */
- if ( size_bytes == 2 ) {
- size_bytes = 4;
- } else {
- size_bytes = 2;
- }
- over_opsize = TRUE;
- valid = check_forward( instr, 1 );
- if ( valid ) {
- return( valid+1 );
- } else {
- size_large = save_large;
- size_bytes = save_bytes;
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- int adrsize_over( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int valid;
- int save_large;
- int save_bytes;
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- text = text; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- save_large = addr_large;
- save_bytes = addr_bytes;
- addr_large = !addr_large; /* Toggle address */
- if ( addr_bytes == 2 ) {
- addr_bytes = 4;
- } else {
- addr_bytes = 2;
- }
- over_adrsize = TRUE;
- valid = check_forward( instr, 1 );
- if ( valid ) {
- return( valid+1 );
- } else {
- addr_large = save_large;
- addr_bytes = save_bytes;
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- int wait( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int valid;
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- fp_opcode[0] = '\0';
- valid = check_forward( instr, 0 );
- if ( !valid ) {
- instr_opcode(text);
- return(1);
- } else {
- if ( strlen(fp_opcode) == 0 ) {
- instr_opcode( text );
- return( 1 );
- } else {
- fp_wait = TRUE; /* Will be reset by "esc" routine */
- hex_finish = FALSE;
- return( 1 );
- }
- }
- }
- int prefix( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int valid;
- valid = check_forward( instr, 0 );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- if ( valid ) {
- instr_opcode( text );
- tab_offset = 1;
- hex_finish = FALSE;
- return( 1 );
- } else {
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- int extra( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int result;
- result = check_forward( ex_instr, 1 );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- text = text;
- class = class;
- if ( result == 0 ) {
- return( 0 );
- } else {
- return( result+1 );
- }
- }
- int disp8( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int dcheck;
- char line[60];
- char *short_text;
- dword offset;
- dword dest;
- PUB_T *pub_rec;
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* No segment overide allowed */
- return( 0 );
- }
- dcheck = data_check(1);
- if ( dcheck != NORMAL && dcheck != BAD ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( check_getc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( offset == 0xFFFFFFFFL ) { /* This would generate a label in */
- return( 0 ); /* the middle of the jmp statement */
- } /* thereby preventing it anyway */
- /*
- ** Special 'SHORT' for small jumps
- */
- short_text = "";
- if ( compatibility != 2 ) {
- if ( byte == 0xEB || segment_mode == 386 ) {
- short_text = "short ";
- }
- }
- dest = inst_offset + (signed char)offset + 2;
- pub_rec = check_public( 1, segment, dest, 'L' );
- if ( pub_rec ) {
- pub_rec->type = NEAR;
- offset = dest - pub_rec->offset;
- if ( offset > 0 ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s%s + 0%04lXh",
- short_text, pub_rec->name, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s%s", short_text, pub_rec->name );
- }
- } else {
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- sprintf( text, " %s.0%04lXh", short_text, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( text, "%s[%s:0%04lXh]", short_text, cseg_name, offset );
- }
- }
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( line );
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class;
- return( 2 );
- }
- int disp16( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- dword dest;
- int dummy;
- #if 0
- int bad_size;
- #endif
- char line[60];
- char *short_text;
- PUB_T *pub_rec;
- int data_size;
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class=class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- data_size = addr_bytes;
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) /* No segment overide allowed */
- return( 0 );
- switch( data_check( 1 ) ) {
- case BAD:
- return( 0 );
- case LABEL:
- return( 0 );
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->word_sized && fix_rec->extended == addr_large
- && fix_rec->relate == 0 ) {
- get_fix( line, 1, FALSE, size_bytes, NEAR, TRUE, &dummy, CS );
- adjust_assumes();
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( line );
- return( 1 + data_size );
- } else {
- return( 0 );
- }
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, addr_large ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- /* note: the next if actually checks for 1 byte too far in
- ** the negative direction. but this is ok, because it would be
- ** replaced by a short jmp
- */
- if ( offset < 0x80 || offset >= 0xFFFFFF7FL ) {
- #if 0
- bad_size = TRUE;
- #endif
- short_text = "near ptr ";
- } else {
- short_text = "";
- #if 0
- bad_size = FALSE;
- #endif
- }
- dest = inst_offset + offset + addr_bytes + 1;
- pub_rec = check_public( 1, segment, dest, 'L' );
- if ( pub_rec ) {
- offset = dest - pub_rec->offset;
- if ( offset > 0L ) {
- if ( addr_large ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s%s + 0%08lXh", short_text,
- pub_rec->name, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s%s + 0%04lXh", short_text,
- pub_rec->name, offset );
- }
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s%s", short_text, pub_rec->name );
- }
- } else {
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- if ( addr_large ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s .0%08lXh", short_text, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s .0%04lXh", short_text, offset );
- }
- } else {
- if ( addr_large ) {
- sprintf( line, "%s[%s:0%08lXh]", short_text,
- cseg_name, offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "%s[%s:0%04lXh]", short_text,
- cseg_name, offset );
- }
- }
- }
- instr_opcode( text );
- instr_operand( line );
- #if 0
- if ( bad_size ) {
- if ( pass == 3 ) {
- out_comment( "Large jump translated into short" );
- }
- instr_opcode( "nop" );
- if ( pass == 3 ) {
- out_comment( "Nop inserted to retain proper length" );
- }
- }
- #endif
- return( 1 + data_size );
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int two_bcd( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- dword offset;
- byte = byte; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class = class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- if ( check_getc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( offset == 0x0AL ) {
- instr_opcode( text );
- return(2);
- } else {
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- int mod0( ref_mode, sib_offset,sib_text, text, r_m, type, size_known )
- int ref_mode;
- int sib_offset;
- char *sib_text;
- char *text;
- uchar r_m;
- int type;
- int *size_known;
- {
- dword offset;
- int result;
- PUB_T *pub_rec;
- STRUC_T *pub_struct;
- int ref_seg;
- char this_member[NAMESIZE+1+1]; /* 1 for ., 1 for \0 */
- char temp[16];
- this_member[0] = '\0';
- if ( (r_m == 6 && !addr_large) || (r_m == 5 && addr_large) ) {
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) {
- ref_seg = 17+over_seg;
- } else {
- ref_seg = DS;
- }
- switch( data_check( 2+sib_offset ) ) {
- case BAD:
- result = -1;
- return( result );
- case LABEL:
- result = -1;
- return( result );
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->word_sized && fix_rec->extended == addr_large ) {
- get_fix( text, 0, FALSE, size_bytes,
- type, TRUE, size_known, ref_seg );
- if ( strlen(sib_text) ) {
- strcat( text, "[" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- strcat( text, "]" );
- }
- result = addr_bytes+sib_offset;
- } else {
- result = -1;
- }
- return( result );
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, size_large ) ) {
- result = -1;
- return( result );
- }
- if ( add_labels ) {
- pub_rec = check_public( 0, 0, offset, 'S' );
- } else {
- pub_rec = NULL;
- }
- if ( pub_rec ) {
- offset -= pub_rec->offset;
- pub_struct = pub_rec->structure;
- if ( pub_struct ) {
- find_member( this_member, pub_struct, &offset );
- }
- if ( offset != 0 ) {
- out_hexize( offset, temp, size_bytes );
- sprintf( text, "%s%s + %s",
- pub_rec->name, this_member, temp );
- } else {
- sprintf( text, "%s%s", pub_rec->name, this_member );
- }
- } else {
- out_hexize( offset, temp, size_bytes );
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- sprintf( text, " .%s", temp );
- } else {
- if ( over_seg == -1 ) {
- sprintf( text, "ds:[%s", temp );
- } else {
- sprintf( text, "[%s", temp );
- }
- if ( strlen( sib_text ) ) {
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- }
- strcat( text, "]" );
- }
- }
- result = addr_bytes+sib_offset;
- *size_known = FALSE;
- return( result );
- }
- }
- if ( addr_large ) {
- strcpy( text, addr_386m[r_m] );
- } else {
- strcpy( text, addr_mode[r_m] );
- }
- if ( strlen( sib_text ) ) {
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- }
- strcat( text, "]" );
- result = sib_offset;
- *size_known = TRUE;
- return( result );
- }
- int mod1( ref_mode, sib_offset, sib_text, text, r_m )
- int ref_mode;
- int sib_offset;
- char *sib_text;
- char *text;
- uchar r_m;
- {
- char temp[50];
- dword offset;
- int result;
- uchar zero_rm;
- if ( check_getc( &offset ) ) {
- result = -1;
- } else {
- if ( addr_large ) {
- /*
- ** Assembler should have optimized
- */
- zero_rm = 5;
- strcpy( text, addr_386m[r_m] );
- } else {
- /*
- ** Assembler should have optimized
- */
- zero_rm = 6;
- strcpy( text, addr_mode[r_m] );
- }
- if ( strlen(sib_text) ) {
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- }
- if ( offset >= 0x80 ) {
- sprintf( temp, "-0%02lXh", 0x0100L-offset );
- } else {
- if ( offset == 0L ) {
- if ( r_m == zero_rm ) {
- temp[0] = '\0';
- } else {
- return( -1 );
- }
- } else {
- sprintf( temp, "+0%02lXh", offset );
- }
- }
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- strcat( text, "]" );
- strcat( text, temp );
- } else {
- strcat( text, temp );
- strcat( text, "]" );
- }
- result = 1 + sib_offset;
- }
- return( result );
- }
- int mod2( ref_mode, sib_offset, sib_text, text, r_m, type, size_known )
- int ref_mode;
- int sib_offset;
- char *sib_text;
- char *text;
- uchar r_m;
- int type;
- int *size_known;
- {
- dword offset;
- int result;
- char temp[50];
- char *sign;
- int ref_seg;
- if ( r_m == 2 || r_m == 3 ) {
- ref_seg = SS; /* SS relative addressing modes */
- } else {
- ref_seg = DS;
- }
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) {
- ref_seg = 17+over_seg;
- }
- switch( data_check(2+sib_offset) ) {
- case BAD:
- result = -1;
- break;
- case LABEL:
- result = -1;
- break;
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->word_sized && fix_rec->extended == addr_large ) {
- get_fix( temp, 0, FALSE, addr_bytes,
- type, TRUE, size_known, ref_seg );
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- strcpy( text, temp );
- strcat( text, addr_mode[r_m] );
- } else {
- if ( addr_large ) {
- strcpy( text, addr_386m[r_m] );
- } else {
- strcpy( text, addr_mode[r_m] );
- }
- if ( strlen(sib_text) ) {
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- }
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, temp );
- }
- strcat( text, "]" );
- result = addr_bytes+sib_offset;
- } else {
- result = -1;
- }
- break;
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, addr_large ) ) {
- result = -1;
- } else {
- if ( offset == 0x00000000L ) {
- return( -1 ); /* Assembler should have optimized */
- }
- if ( addr_large ) {
- strcpy( text, addr_386m[r_m] );
- } else {
- strcpy( text, addr_mode[r_m] );
- }
- if ( strlen(sib_text) ) {
- strcat( text, "+" );
- strcat( text, sib_text );
- }
- if ( offset > 0x80000000L ) {
- offset = -offset;
- sign = "-";
- } else {
- sign = "+";
- }
- out_hexize( offset, temp, addr_bytes );
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- strcat( text, "]" );
- strcat( text, sign );
- strcat( text, temp );
- } else {
- strcat( text, sign );
- strcat( text, temp );
- strcat( text, "]" );
- }
- result = addr_bytes+sib_offset;
- *size_known = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- return( result );
- }
- int mod3( ref_mode, text, r_m, type, type_known )
- int ref_mode;
- char *text;
- uchar r_m;
- int type;
- int *type_known;
- {
- switch( type ) {
- case BYTE_PTR: strcpy( text, regs[0][r_m] ); break;
- case WORD_PTR: strcpy( text, regs[1][r_m] ); break;
- case DWORD_PTR: strcpy( text, regs[2][r_m] ); break;
- default: strcpy( text, regs[3][r_m] ); break;
- }
- *type_known = TRUE;
- return( 0 );
- }
- int do_sib( text, base )
- char *text;
- uchar *base;
- {
- dword sib_byte;
- int ss;
- int idx;
- switch( data_check(2) ) {
- case LABEL:
- return( -1 );
- case FIXUP:
- return( -1 );
- case BAD:
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getc( &sib_byte ) ) {
- return( -1 );
- }
- ss = (int)(sib_byte & 0xC0L) >> 6;
- idx = (int)(sib_byte & 0x38L) >> 3;
- *base = (uchar)(sib_byte & 0x07L);
- if ( idx == 0x04 ) { /* For special [ESP] */
- if ( ss != 0 ) {
- return( -1 );
- } else {
- strcpy( text, "" );
- }
- } else {
- strcat( text, regs[2][idx] );
- strcat( text, sib_scale[ss] );
- }
- return( 1 );
- }
- }
- int do_mod_rm( line, mod, r_m, type, size_needed, ref_mode )
- char *line;
- uchar mod;
- uchar r_m;
- int type;
- int size_needed;
- int ref_mode;
- {
- int size_known;
- int sib_offset;
- char sib_text[50];
- char temp2[50];
- int result;
- size_known = FALSE;
- strcpy( sib_text, "" );
- sib_offset = 0;
- if ( addr_large ) {
- if ( r_m == 4 && mod != 3 ) {
- /* Get result and new r_m */
- sib_offset = do_sib( sib_text, &r_m );
- if ( sib_offset == -1 ) {
- return( -1 );
- }
- }
- }
- switch( mod ) {
- case 0: result = mod0( ref_mode, sib_offset, sib_text, temp2,
- r_m, type, &size_known );
- break;
- case 1: result = mod1( ref_mode, sib_offset, sib_text, temp2, r_m );
- size_known = TRUE;
- break;
- case 2: result = mod2( ref_mode, sib_offset, sib_text, temp2,
- r_m, type, &size_known );
- break;
- case 3: result = mod3( ref_mode, temp2, r_m, type, &size_known );
- size_needed = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if ( result != -1 ) {
- if ( compatibility == 2 ) {
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* Any previous segment overide? */
- strcat( line, sregsc[over_seg] );
- strcat( line, " " );
- }
- if ( !size_known || size_needed ) {
- strcat( line, type_to_text(type) );
- }
- } else {
- /*
- ** If the size is already known, then we don't need 'xxxx' ptr text
- */
- if ( !size_known || size_needed ) {
- strcat( line, type_to_text(type) );
- }
- if ( over_seg != -1 ) { /* Any previous segment overide? */
- strcat( line, sregsc[over_seg] );
- }
- }
- strcat( line, temp2 );
- }
- return( result );
- }
- int byte_immed( text, additional, sign )
- char *text;
- int additional;
- int sign;
- {
- int dcheck;
- dword offset;
- dcheck = data_check( additional+2 );
- switch( dcheck ) {
- case LABEL: return( 1 );
- case FIXUP: return( 1 );
- case BAD:
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getc( &offset ) ) {
- return( 1 );
- }
- if ( sign ) {
- if ( offset <= 0x7F ) {
- sprintf( text, "+0%02lXh", offset );
- } else {
- sprintf( text, "-0%02lXh", 0x0100L-offset );
- }
- } else {
- out_hexize( offset, text, 1 );
- }
- break;
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- int word_immed( text, additional )
- char *text;
- int additional;
- {
- int dcheck;
- int dummy;
- dword offset;
- dcheck = data_check( additional+2 );
- switch( dcheck ) {
- case LABEL:
- return( 1 );
- case FIXUP:
- if ( fix_rec->word_sized && fix_rec->extended == addr_large ) {
- get_fix( text, 2, TRUE, size_bytes, NEAR, FALSE, &dummy, DS );
- } else {
- return( 1 );
- }
- break;
- case BAD:
- return( 1 );
- case NORMAL:
- if ( check_getv( &offset, size_large ) ) {
- return( 1 );
- }
- if ( size_large ) {
- out_hexize( offset, text, 4 );
- } else {
- out_hexize( offset, text, 2 );
- }
- break;
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- int mod_reg( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- char *opcode;
- int dir;
- int size;
- int reg_size;
- int size_needed;
- int type;
- int method;
- int group;
- dword mod_reg;
- uchar mod;
- uchar r_m;
- uchar reg;
- int additional;
- char mem_text[50];
- char reg_text[50];
- char third_text[50];
- char operands[80];
- int ref_mode;
- if ( get_checkc( &mod_reg ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- mod = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0xC0) >> 6);
- reg = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0x38) >> 3);
- r_m = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0x07) >> 0);
- dir = modrm_class[class].dir;
- size = modrm_class[class].size;
- method = modrm_class[class].method;
- group = modrm_class[class].group;
- size_needed = modrm_class[class].size_needed;
- type = modrm_class[class].type;
- ref_mode = 0;
- if ( group == 6 ) {
- if ( mod == 3 ) {
- if ( reg == 0 || reg == 1 || reg == 2 || reg == 3 ) {
- addr_large = FALSE; /* 286 only instructions */
- size_large = FALSE;
- }
- }
- type = WORD_PTR;
- size_needed = TRUE;
- }
- reg_size = size; /* 386 Segments effect register names */
- if ( reg_size == 1 && size_large ) {
- reg_size = 2;
- }
- if ( type == UNKNOWN ) {
- type = reg_size_to_type( reg_size );
- }
- if ( group == 0 ) {
- opcode = text;
- } else {
- opcode = op_grp[group-1][reg];
- }
- if ( strlen(opcode) == 0 ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( class == 26 ) {
- reg_size = 1;
- }
- if ( byte == 0x62 || byte == 0x63 ) {
- if ( byte == 0x63 ) {
- type = WORD_PTR;
- }
- size_needed = TRUE; /* LAR, LSL, BOUND, ARPL need size */
- }
- if ( byte == 0xC4 || byte == 0xC5
- || byte == 0xB2 || byte == 0xB4 || byte == 0xB5 ) {
- size_needed = TRUE;
- }
- if ( group == 3 ) { /* Group 3 has a test instruction which */
- if ( reg == 0 ) { /* needs an immediate value (byte or word) */
- method = 5 + size; /* the rest of group 3 needs nothing */
- dir = 0;
- size_needed = TRUE;
- } else {
- method = 0;
- if ( reg == 2 || reg == 3 ) {
- size_needed = FALSE;
- } else {
- size_needed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( group == 5 ) { /* Group 5 has call far and jump far */
- if ( reg == 3 || reg == 5 ) { /* instructions which are dwords */
- /* the rest of group 5 is words */
- if ( size_large ) {
- type = FWORD_PTR;
- } else {
- type = DWORD_PTR;
- }
- size_needed = TRUE;
- } else {
- if ( reg == 0 || reg == 1 ) {
- size_needed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( group == 7 ) { /* Group 7 has mostly FWORD sized */
- if ( reg == 4 || reg == 6 ) { /* EAs, but these two are WORD sized */
- type = WORD_PTR;
- }
- }
- if ( dir == 0 && mod == 3 && (class == 0 || class == 1) ) {
- /*
- ** Ambiguous! eg. OBJ 20F8 = and al,bh => MASM 22C7
- ** This is because MASM prefers the first operand to be
- ** a register and the other operand to be a mem/reg.
- */
- return(0);
- }
- mem_text[0] = '\0';
- additional = do_mod_rm( mem_text, mod, r_m, type, size_needed, ref_mode );
- if ( additional == -1 ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- switch( method ) {
- case 0: /* No additional information (one operand only) */
- break;
- case 1: /* Other operand is a register */
- /* LES,LDS,BOUND,LSS,LFS,LGS, ARPL instructions */
- /* revert to Word */
- if ( byte == 0xC4 || byte == 0xC5 || byte == 0x62 || byte == 0x63
- || byte == 0xB2 || byte == 0xB4 || byte == 0xB5 ) {
- reg_size = 1;
- }
- strcpy( reg_text, regs[reg_size][reg] );
- break;
- case 2: /* Other operand is a segment register */
- if ( reg > 5 ) { /* 0=ES,1=CS,2=SS,3=DS,4=FS,5=GS */
- return( 0 );
- }
- strcpy( reg_text, sregs[reg] );
- break;
- case 3: /* Other operand is 1 */
- strcpy( reg_text, "1" );
- break;
- case 4: /* Other operand is register CL */
- strcpy( reg_text, "cl" );
- break;
- case 5: /* Immediate byte value */
- if ( byte_immed(reg_text, additional,FALSE) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- additional++;
- break;
- case 6: /* Immediate word value (could be fixupp) */
- if ( word_immed(reg_text, additional) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- if ( size_large ) {
- additional += 4;
- } else {
- additional += 2;
- }
- break;
- case 7: /* Immediate signed byte value */
- if ( byte_immed(reg_text,additional,TRUE) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- additional++;
- break;
- case 8: /* IMUL (3 operands [reg,mem,immed word]) */
- strcpy( reg_text, regs[reg_size][reg] );
- if ( word_immed(third_text, additional) ) {
- return(0);
- }
- additional += 2;
- break;
- case 9: /* IMUL (3 operands [reg,mem,immed signed byte]) */
- strcpy( reg_text, regs[reg_size][reg] );
- if ( byte_immed(third_text, additional,TRUE) ) {
- return(0);
- }
- additional += 1;
- break;
- case 10: /* Control Register (CR0...) */
- strcpy( reg_text, cr_regs[reg] );
- break;
- case 11: /* Debug Register (DR0...) */
- strcpy( reg_text, dr_regs[reg] );
- break;
- case 12:
- strcpy( reg_text, tr_regs[reg] );
- break;
- case 13:
- strcpy( reg_text, regs[reg_size][reg] );
- strcpy( third_text, "cl" );
- break;
- }
- if ( dir & 0x01 ) {
- sprintf( operands, dir_fmt[dir], reg_text, mem_text, third_text );
- } else {
- sprintf( operands, dir_fmt[dir], mem_text, reg_text, third_text );
- }
- adjust_assumes();
- instr_opcode( opcode );
- instr_operand( operands );
- return( 2+additional );
- }
- int esc( byte, text, class )
- uchar byte;
- char *text;
- int class;
- {
- int size;
- int dir;
- int type;
- dword mod_reg;
- uchar mod;
- uchar r_m;
- uchar lll; /* Described as LLL in 80386 Prog Ref Man. */
- uchar ttt; /* Described as TTT in 80386 Prog Ref Man. */
- uchar esc_byte;
- uchar mf;
- int additional;
- int size_needed;
- char line[50];
- char temp[50];
- int ref_mode;
- text = text; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- class=class; /* Prevent unused variable warnings */
- size = (byte & 0x01);
- dir = (byte & 0x02) >> 1;
- ref_mode = 0;
- if ( get_checkc( &mod_reg ) ) {
- return( 0 );
- }
- mod = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0xC0) >> 6);
- lll = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0x38) >> 3);
- r_m = (uchar)(((int)mod_reg & 0x07) >> 0);
- ttt = (uchar)(byte & 0x07);
- esc_byte = (uchar)(ttt << 3) + lll;
- if ( mod == 0x03 ) {
- esc_special( temp, line, esc_byte, r_m );
- additional = 0;
- } else {
- mf = (uchar)((esc_byte & 0x30) >> 4);
- size_needed = TRUE;
- switch( mf ) {
- case 0: type = DWORD_PTR; break;
- case 1: type = DWORD_PTR; break;
- case 2: type = QWORD_PTR; break;
- case 3: type = WORD_PTR; break;
- }
- /*
- ** There are always exceptions to the rule (Thank you, Intel)
- */
- if ( esc_byte == 0x1D || esc_byte == 0x1F
- || esc_byte == 0x3C || esc_byte == 0x3E ) {
- type = TBYTE_PTR;
- }
- if ( esc_byte == 0x2F ) {
- type = WORD_PTR;
- }
- if ( esc_byte == 0x3D || esc_byte == 0x3F ) {
- type = DWORD_PTR;
- }
- if ( (esc_byte >= 0x0C && esc_byte <= 0x0F)
- || (esc_byte >= 0x2C && esc_byte <= 0x2E) ) {
- size_needed = FALSE;
- }
- sprintf( line, "" );
- additional = do_mod_rm( line, mod, r_m, type, size_needed, ref_mode );
- if ( additional == -1 ) { /* Error in 'do_mod_rm' */
- return( 0 );
- }
- strcpy( temp, esc_inst[esc_byte] );
- }
- if ( strlen( temp ) ) {
- if ( temp[1] == 'n' && fp_wait ) {
- fp_opcode[0] = temp[0]; /* Remove the 'n' */
- strcpy( &fp_opcode[1], &temp[2] );
- } else {
- strcpy( fp_opcode, temp );
- }
- instr_opcode( fp_opcode );
- instr_operand( line );
- } else {
- sprintf( line, "0%02Xh,%s", esc_byte, regs[1][r_m] );
- instr_opcode( "esc" );
- instr_operand( line );
- }
- fp_wait = FALSE; /* Reset always */
- dir = dir;
- size = size;
- return( 2+additional );
- }